Once the configuration is set up, you will enter the section where you need to link data fields in the template to fields on the product card.
Step 1 is to retrieve which fields are available in the template. This is done by clicking on the icon as illustrated in the image below.
You will then see a list of variables for data fields and images. It is important to use clear and descriptive names as variables in the templates so that you understand which template variables should be linked to which data in the feed.
By clicking on the
icon, you choose which variable to map, and then select the corresponding field or media role in feed® from the available options on the right side. This process is similar to mapping data during the import of Excel files, for example.You can also add a new key to map in this window, but remember it will have no effect unless corresponding fields are also created in the template. Therefore, we recommend modifying the templates instead and updating the field list by retrieving the updated list from the template as shown in step 1 above.