When a NOBB-Import configuration has been created, one can set up the mapping of data fields from NOBB to feed®. In the screenshot below, you can see an installation that has both the NOBB-Import and NOBB-Export modules activated.
To start mapping data fields, select "Click to view connections" for the import configuration.

Product data

This allows for the connection of most product information between NOBB and feed®. On the left side, under the title "Product Data", you will find a list of fields in NOBB that can be imported.

These are grouped by datatype/category, and for each type, you can map data fields from feed® that match the datatype in NOBB.

  • Text fields can be mapped to both product header fields, custom texts, or attributes of type text.
  • Whole numbers, decimals, dates, and checkboxes can be mapped to attributes of the corresponding type in feed®.

Categories with more descriptive names, such as "CLP Packaging Labeling" or "Environmental Labeling," can be mapped to data register attributes in feed®.

If a product can have multiple values for the same attribute, such as "Environmental Labeling," it should be linked to attributes of the type "data register multiple choice" in feed®. Those that have only a single value use standard "data register" attributes.

Standard Data Register:

  • Hazard Class
  • Packaging Group
  • Price Unit
  • Customs
  • Type

Data Register Multiple Choice:

  • Environmental Labeling
  • Packaging Labeling
  • CLP xxxxx

Automatic creation of lines

feed® will automatically create new entries in the master data for the data register if an imported value does not already exist with the expected import code. It is therefore recommended to let the import module create values in these registers automatically during import to ensure that the correct import codes are assigned to the lines.

If you manually create data lines and do not have the correct import code for the values, the import will create duplicates for these.

Images and documents

The NOBB-Import module will import images and documents related to products in NOBB into feed®.

All media is downloaded

Currently, all images and documents for NOBB products are downloaded to products in feed® regardless of whether a media role has been assigned. These will appear without a role on the product in feed®.

In the future, this will likely change so that images/documents not mapped with a media role will be ignored. This means you can choose not to download, for example, logo images or documents you don’t want by simply not mapping a role.

Therefore, it is important to assign a media role to anything you wish to import from NOBB.

Composite Products / Display Products

By setting up the relationships in feed® that you want to use, and provided that you have imported both the composite/display product and the individual items it contains, you will create a connection in the form of a relationship in feed® between these.

This way, you can easily see which NOBB products are included in a composite/display product in feed®.

  • No labels