Once you have uploaded a document template and set up a document configuration that links the template to data in feed®, it's time to generate the document.
There are two approaches here. When testing the template or if you need to generate a new document immediately due to a bug fix and cannot wait for a scheduled job to run, you can start document generation directly from the product card. Alternatively, you can set up a scheduled job that automatically generates documents for all products defined in the configuration at specified times and frequencies.
Manual generation:
Inside the product card, in the top right corner of the header, if the configuration is set up correctly, there should be a new icon
Clicking on this icon will display a list of available documents that have been defined. Here, you will see the names you have assigned to the document configurations you have created. If you have multiple configurations, all of them will be available for manual generation on all products.
The generated PDF document is then stored with the media role specified in the configuration and named `<product number>_<configuration name>.pdf`.
For example, a generated document from a simple Word template uploaded in feed® based on product data from the product card would be named accordingly, reflecting the product number and the configuration name in the PDF filename.
Scheduled job
Once you are satisfied with the template and how the document appears, you can automate the process of generating documents in feed®. This is done by setting up a scheduled job in our Scheduler module.
To do this, navigate to the Scheduler module through the menu and click on the '+' icon, or use the shortcut 'C' to create a new scheduled job.
You have now set up a job, but it is not yet activated. In the job overview under 'Scheduler', you will find your new job listed. Click on the
You can also manually start the job by clicking on "Start job".