This means that FEED is excellent for users from multiple countries.
Please note this does not cover product specific text translations (name, descriptions, or other product text fields). Product text values are translated in the product view.
The number of translations in the feed menu will only be visible for a user that has that language selected on "My page".
Here I have user setting to Norwegian, English and French.
It is important to keep this in mind that if you add a new language after all the basic data is in place for your native language, your user preference language will not warn you of any missing translations to the other language.
You can of course change user language to get this information.
Alternatively, you can also click on Translations (1) and then choose a language to translate from and to.
Here you will see the total of what needs to be translated.
For obvious reasons, translate from is only one selection. Translate to is a multichoice. The small icon on the right of the Translate from language
will copy the value from "Translate from" to missing values in the other languages.Keep in mind that this might cause issues for integrations if they use the field names. This is especially a concern on "data register", "data register lines" and relations, since here it will show on the product values.
If you choose the same language in from and to, you can overwrite existing values to your own preferences.
The rest of the options in translations top menu
- Here you can search for basic data, text or structures. The search results you get using match on "Translate from language" and Translate to language. If you have a checkmark on "Show only texts missing translations" it will give you matches on only those that are missing translation.
- If you uncheck this checkbox you will get search matches on everything that matches your search (both translated and not translated).
- "Fixed labels" are standard fields in feed. If your industry uses different terms then the standard names in feed you can change these to match your preference. As a standard, all fixed labels have values/names in Norwegian and English.
- "Content texts" covers all text fields that are created by you in feed.
- Structures just that. If you do not translate the names in the structure, or it's folders whent you create a structure, they appear blank for the other languages.