
feed® is a PIM tool that is continuously being developed by Integrasjonssystemer AS (iSYS).

If you do not already have access to it, please contact salg@isys.no or our Sales and Marketing Manager, Petter Engebretsen - peb@isys.no 

If you already have access to feed®, please contact the feed® responsible person in your company to get information about the tool's address (URL) and possibly set up a user account.

Your username is your email address. It is important that this is correct as the user must confirm this via a link in an email sent to the specified address to create a personal password.
One must also have access to this email in order to reset their password if they happen to forget it, typically after 3 weeks of umbrella drinks on an exotic beach...

So... What is a PIM tool? Well, PIM stands for "Product Information Management", or maintenance of product information in plain English...

feed® is a web-based solution for exactly this purpose, to make it easy and efficient to gather and maintain all your product information in one place.
Some information naturally belongs in your ERP system, some may be owned by a WMS system, but regardless, it is important to gather and have a common truth about your products in one place.

With feed® you can:

  • Create, configure, and maintain product information through a modern and intuitive web interface - the feed® portal
  • Maintain media such as images, user documentation, instructions, certificates, or O&M documents
  • Set up custom relationships and link products with them
  • Build structures for organization or exports
  • Import or export product information via Excel
  • Configure and customize information needs to your requirements with custom master data and product templates via feed® product types
  • Fully automate integrations to and from third-party systems through import and export APIs for both products, master data, and media.
  • ETIM module that effectively allows you to register and maintain your ETIM data, also with full API support
  • Build catalog structures and create PDFs for printed catalogs with customized catalog templates
  • Set up integrations with WooCommerce via a dedicated WooCommerce module in feed®
  • +++