Import via Excel
The first step is to download an Excel template from feed® by clicking the "Download template" button.
Next, add relationship information in the columns for each product you want to create one or more relationships for.
Finally, upload the edited Excel file back into feed® by either dropping the file in the upload area or clicking the upload icon and navigating to the saved Excel file for uploading. The list on the right side of the upload box shows upload history. If you click on a line in this list, you will get details on the upload.
Excel import - Relations does not create or update new relations.
This import only connects products to existing relations.
As you can see from the template example below, if you want to add more than one product as an accessory to product A you need to add each accessory product as a separate row and you can then also set the sort number for accessory products.
If you have a bundle relation or package relation you can use count to identify qty of a product that is set in the relation.
Column A (ProductNo) = the product that will get the relation name.
Column C (RelatedProductNo) = the product that will be attached to the product in column A.
When you upload the Excel file by clicking on the large square with the import icon, it will immediately start reading the file, and you will see the Import result screen.
Here you can see how many relationships have been imported and if there are any warnings or errors.
If there are warnings or errors, they will appear as lines you can click on to get details about what is wrong and needs to be corrected before a new import.
In the example above, a warning appeared indicating that the related product with product number 952952002 has a duplicate item number in feed, and the import therefore does not know which product should be linked to the item number on line 13 (952952059).
Additional information:
Example from Column A (ProductNO): Products entered in column A in the Excel import are the products that will have the related products linked to them. These will get a tab with the name of the relation, and the products you have added in column C will be listed in this tab.
Example with Column C (RelatedProductNO): Product numbers entered in column C in the import template will appear like this in feed.
It is important to know the difference between the two when doing this import.
If you want to connect accessories, spare parts, similar products or something else to a product, and you have integrations active on displaying these relations, you need to know what column to use for the main product (A) and what to use for the related product (C).
Count is only used for relations that has Count enabled on the relation in basic data.
(printscreen from creating a Relation via Basic data in feed)
SortNo is used if you want the related products to have a specified sorting.