Welcome to feed®

When you log into FEED, you first enter the menu and dashboard. In addition, you have immediate access to FEED's search field, which you always find at the top.


Dashboard in feed let you have information about your products, media, workflows and tasks. The standard Dashboard contains: 

  • Piecharts of:
    • Product Group
    • Product status
    • Product template
    • Product owner
    • Supplier
  • Number of active products in FEED
  • Global searches
  • "My Searches"

If you have our NOBB export module, you can also add a NOBB widget to your dashboard, showing the status of NOBB products in feed®

You can create your own Dashboard by clicking on "Settings" (on the left corner of feed). Then click on "My dashboards" under "My feed".  

From here you can click on the round + symbol (bottom right corner) and start creating your own dashboard. 

Name it, and press create.

Click "Use default dashboard as template" if you want to start with some standard widgets

Then clicking on available widgets (on the left side) to get started.

Drag and drop where you want the individual widgets and scale them if needed.  

There are no need to save. When you are done you can simply click on the left side menu to exit and start working. 

If you need to remove a widget, simply drag it to the trashbin.

Depending on what modules you might have added/subscribed to on your feed, you might get more or less options to choose from.  

Standard you can choose:

  • Amont of (several options)
  • Pie Chart (several options)
  • Saved searchers (Global and user searches)
  • Workflow (defined workflows/searches for a named subject nested in one container). A workflow must be created and edited in settings. Read here on how to add a workflow.
  • Jobs (here you get Integration jobs made available to the feed API)
  • Tasks (shows tasks that are assigned to you, or tasks you have assigned to others. Nested in one container).

  1. You can change your Dashboard name later on. The checkmark is to activate og deactivate the visibility of your dashboard.  
  2. Simply click on the available Dashboard components to activate them. 
  3. Once they appear on your Dashboard you can drag and drop them where you want them. 
  4. When you hower over a dashboard widget you can see a angled double arrow. You can drag this icon to adjust the size of your widget. 

Multiple Dashboards

If you think that your Dashboard get to cluttered by having all the information you want on a Dashboard, you can create more than one Dashboard and have several active at a time. 

This will give you chip icons on top of your Dashboard with the names of the Dashboards you have active. From here you can click to change the Dashboard you are viewing. 


Saved Searches

Saved searches are presented in tiles that are nested in container squares on your dashboard. These searches are often used to save an overview of products that meet your desired criteria. 

Saved searches are shortcuts to product searches you use frequently, or products you want to monitor.

Examples of this could be:

  • New products that are not enriched with necessary information
  • Products that you are responsible for enriching
  • Products with specific product features/attributes that you want to monitor

We differentiate between:

Global searches: Visible to all users. Only administrators or super users have the ability to create these.
If the search is marked as "mandatory," it cannot be hidden from the dashboard.
My searches: These are your personal searches and are displayed only on your dashboard.

Read more about how to create searches for your dashboard HERE.


If you want to change names, order, or show/hide saved searches, you can click on the heading Global search or My searches on the dashboard. This will take you to the page where you can make these changes. You can also find this page under My Page.

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