Custom product texts
Whether you need an extended sales text, a technical description, or just an additional note, creating custom texts in feed® only takes seconds.
In addition to Name that can be translated to several languages directly in this window (by using the drop down feature) , you can specify a maximum length in number of characters that is allowed to enter.
This can be useful if the text is intended to be exported to an external system with limitations. No restrictions are set if the value is blank or 0.
To secure that the text can be used in any integration via the use of feed® API, make sure to set an import code. Avoid spaces and special characters.
"Read only"
It is also possible to make the text field read-only. In this case, it is not possible to manually edit the content in the text field in the feed® portal, only via API or Excel import. This is typical for fields owned by, for example, the ERP system and are brought into feed® via API integration.
"Required" is just a visual warning that is indicated with a * sign that you have specified it as mandatory. If you click on the field, and don't type anything into the field it will turn red.
"Rich text" will give you the option to add some formatting to your text.
This formatting can also be transferred by integration with other systems via feed® API (as long as the receiving system has support for this).
When this option is activated, you need to click on the
icon (1) to edit the text (2).