Activate / Deactivate unit in feed®

The first step to start using units is to activate desired units in the corresponding basic data function. feed® comes with a wide selection of SI units available, but not all are active by default.
Check the overview of active units in the master data function for units, if you do not find the desired unit here, try to add/activate a unit by clicking on the "+" sign, or press the "c" shortcut to open a dialog to activate a unit. Search for the desired unit to activate it.

You can also deactivate units here if there are units you do not use among those that are active by default.

Apply unit to attributes in feed®

Once the desired unit has been activated in the basic data, the next step is to apply these to desired attributes. In the basic data function for attributes, it is now possible to select the desired unit for attributes of integer and decimal types.

Unit on attributes is also available in export via API:

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