Product search in feed®
Combining Search Criteria
feed® supports the following options when it comes to building complex searches.
Combining searches on the same data field:
For all data fields where products can only have one value, you can combine searches by adding multiple search criteria ("chips").
By adding different values you are looking for the same attribute, text field, or product field. This will combine these in the search to look for products that match one or more of these values. In other words, an "OR" search. For example, you can search for products that have status "Registered" or "PIM in progress".
For data fields where a product can have multiple values, typically attributes of type "Multi-select data registry," when adding a search criteria, you can choose multiple values to search for. Then you will search for products that have all these values selected. In other words, an "And" search. So if you add a "search chip" for colors "blue" and "yellow," only products with both of these colors selected will match in the search. If you want to search for products with color "blue" OR "yellow" instead, you need to add color search twice, first for one color, e.g., "blue," and then for color "yellow" as two different "chips". This will then be an "OR" search and give results for all products with color "blue" or "yellow" (or both...).
Combining searches based on multiple data fields
It is also possible to combine searches on different data fields in feed®. For example, you can search for all products where Status = active and Product Owner = John Smith.
Every time you add a search criteria for a new field in the search, this is an "AND" search. This means that as in the example above, you search for products where criteria a = X AND criteria b = Y.
Currently, it is not possible to make an "OR" search for products based on different data fields. In other words, you cannot create a search that returns products where Status = active OR Product Owner = Ola Nordmann.
A chip will visually look something like this in the search bar:
, .Some "chips" is added above the "Add to search" before it appears on the search bar in feed. This gives you the option to click on the chip to give it the opposite value (from true value to false value)
Inherited values
Values on a variant product in feed will (with some exceptions) be inherited from the base product if the variant value is blank and the base has a value.
Variants with inherited values will be included in the search result on that value.
Search results in feed on inherited values will appear in italics, similar to their appearance on the product card.