Excel import or import/export integrations sometimes have warnings or error messages on a job. 

Some jobs have several hundred or several thousands of lines. 

When you click on a job in feed you get details on that specific job, and you can use the available filters below. You can for example filter statuses with Error or warnings, or even filter messages containing certain words or numbers. 

You also get the option to go directly to the product by clicking on this icon on the right side of the row. 

Correcting values in feed one by one might not be the best option, especially if the job is based on an external integration that imports data to feed. Then a correction has to be made in the external system, or on the integration.

Excel import or integration export warnings or errors can often be solved by correcting data in feed, but a one by one correction is often time consuming.

Often the more efficient solution will be to export the job log to Excel where you can filter, color code, sort and document errors. 

You can then take the best steps for correction. That might be a new Excel import, or adding mandatory values on products for an integration, or reporting the errors to a developer that needs to take a look at the integration. 

Here is the process to convert the Job to an Excel document: 

  1. Click on Jobs
  2. Click on a job that you want to export to excel. 
  3. Click on the Excel export icon. (the job starts and you will get a notification on the bell symbol when it is done)
  4. You can then click on bell icon and click on the notification to get to the download area, or you can click on the feed menu "Excel" and then click on "Job details"
  5. Click on the download icon to get the Excel report. 
  6. Once downloaded and opened, you can create filters on the columns and filter on the messages. A few issues can affect a lot of products in the import. This will assist you in pinpointing the issues and correcting them. 

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