Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

feed® comes with an integrated media bank for organizing and storing media files. This can include everything from product images, datasheets, user manuals, instructional videos, certificates, audio files... whatever you need to organize alongside your products for a unified truth in one place.

titleMedia file size

feed® has a limitation of a maximum of 1GB per file (calculated by the decimal system) that is uploaded to the media bank, but depending on where feed is hosted, there may be additional restrictions on the network regarding the size of files allowed to be uploaded.

The media bank lets you search for a specific media, or you can use several available filters available to you to narrow down the search result to what you need. 

This is the standard columns that is visible when you click on the Media menu button on the left side of feed.

Image AddedImage Removed


In the bottom right corner of feed media you will find the upload icon.

Clicking on upload will bring you to this screen. Here you can drag and drop files for upload, or you can click on the folder icon to navigate to the file on your computer.

PS: If you manually upload the same media more than once (with no changes), feed will identify that name and size is identical with an existing media, and it will not be uploaded. 

If you change the name or the content of the media it will be imported as a new document. If you intend to update a media. Enter the media and use Replace media to keep product attachements and mediaroles that is set on product level. 

For more options you can click on the three dots in the upper right corner to get the context menu. 

That will give you the options to:

  • Table settings (Add or remove visibility of more columns),
  • Mass delete
  • Excel export
  • Excel import

Table settings: Add or remove visibility of columns in the media bank. You can also reset to default view.


Mass delete: 

Mass delete will not give you the option to delete media that is connected to products. If you choose this option without using the column filter  in use, You will not see checkmarks on left side for media that that is in use. 

If you filter "in use" to this value it will filter the media to only show what files are not connected to any products and you can efficiently delete those files from feed.

As you can see from the screenshot on the above, trashcans are available on all media. If you try to delete a media that is connected to products, you will be presented with an error message stating that the media is in use and cannot be deleted. 

To delete the media you need to remove any product connection first. 

Excel export:

This does not let you mass download media (documents, pictures, sound files or videos). it will only present you with available basic data on the media. 
More on media Excel export can be found here. 

Excel import:

E-commerce websites often have an Excel export possibility to get Media URL's and SKU connection.

If you have an excel file containing URL's to media files and product numbers that they are connected to, you can quickly import this to feed. 

More on media Excel import can be found here.

Single media menu

When you click on the three dots in the upper right corner of a media you get the following menu:

Download: Download the original file

Replace media: If you replace a media file the feed media ID will remain the same. The Name will remain the same as well, but the original file name will be the name of the uploaded file. For images, file formats will be regenerated for the new file. You might need to refresh the page to see the changes. 

Attach to products: From here you can: 

  1. Select one or more media roles for the picture. 
  2. You can use the search field for free text search.
  3. You can filter in Selection for a better search result than the free text.
  4. The search result is visible for selection. Clicking on the checkbox on the left side of Product will select all visible products on this page. 
    Click on the > icon to move to the next page of the search result. 
  5. When done, remember to press the save button to activate the Attachment. 

Delete: Deletes the media if it isn't attached to a product. If it is you need to remove the attachments first. This can easily be done by navigating to the "Attached to products" tab and click on the trashcan on the right side of the product it is attached to. 

Regenerate all formats: This option is only available for images. Not all images support this.  This context menu option will only regenerate formats for the image you are currently on. If it is a new format you have added you can generate formats for all images in the Basic menu - Media: File format.

You can reed more on formats here!

Attach to products: 


Information about media

  • Name. This field is set by default to the name of the uploaded file, but can be changed if desired in feed®®.
  • File category. This is an optional field that can be set to categorize media for better organization. File category has to be created in "Basic data" - Media: "File category"
  • QR code. This is a legacy feature from feed® 1.4 and is a purely informational field for storing a QR code value, with no QR functionality implemented in feed®® yet.
  • Description, optional field to add a description.
  • Original file name. This stores the name the file had when uploaded, which cannot be changed.
  • File size.
  • Source ID: If media is connected to an external image bank, this shows the external source ID (has to be unique).
  • External access: External Access is used by feed® API when one in special cases need to limit API access to selected media. 

    Export of media with a limited media API access will only give access to Media that has a checkmark on this attribute.

    Standard API Export access will grant access to all media. In order to limit the access one has to request this limit on the API user access that is created.  


Some systems support, or even requires metadata on images to identify what type of picture that is presented. These options are available under the Metadata tab.


The format tab show all the formats that is set in "Basic data > Media > File format".

The file formats you create are available for download when you access the image in the media library. Here you can also quickly see the file size for all the generated formats, and if a format has not been generated. 

If you need to generate a format that is missing on the image you are looking at you can click on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose "Regenerate all formats".

For more on file format, read here!

Attached to products:

If you do not see this tab when you are looking at a specific media, no products are connected to the media. 

If you have a media that is of a more generic type and can be connected to several products it is better to connect that media to several product, rather than upload it several times and only attach it to 1 product. 

If you update the media by doing a replace media in the media menu you will update the media for all connected products. 

Attached to structures: 

If you have the need to add a file to a structure node, you can do that when you are working on structures in feed®. 

A tab called "Attached to structure" will appear on the media. If you click on the structure connection feed will bring you to the node in that structure. 

You can easily delete the connection by clicking on the trashcan. Deleting attachment connection is done immediately. You will not get a question if you are sure you want to do this.